Flare-On 2020: 06 - CodeIt
Challenge 6 - Codeit
Reverse engineer this little compiled script to figure out what you need to do to make it give you the flag (as a QR code).
Extracting the zip file for the challenge only gives us the LICENSE file, the challenge message file, and an executable called codeit.exe. Running the executable shows a handsome flareon symbol, ready to generate some QR codes.
According to the message included with the challenge, it sounds like some secret input gives the flag as a QRcode. Let’s try “password”!
The program generates a QRcode that, when scanned, shows the input. Maybe the 6th challenge will be unusually easier than the rest and the secret code is a string stored in the binary?
Drat. While there’s nothing that could obviously be the flag here, we do find the string “AU3!EA06T”
au3 is a common file extension for AutoIt version 3 files. Searching around on the internet for some resources to reverse engineer an AutoIt compiled program, I found a blog post with a link at the bottom to an AutoIt decompiler. Running our compiled binary through the AutoIt decomplier is a success! We’re given a highly obfuscated AutoIt script that we’ll need to reverse engineer in order to figure out the flag.
In order to help the reverse engineering process, I created a powershell script to help de-obfuscate the code. You can find Invoke-DeObfuscation in the folder here.
The deobfuscation plus a little extra labeling from manual analysis gives us:
Global Const $str_nocasesense = 0
Global Const $str_casesense = 1
Global Const $str_nocasesensebasic = 2
Global Const $str_stripleading = 1
Global Const $str_striptrailing = 2
Global Const $str_stripspaces = 4
Global Const $str_stripall = 8
Global Const $str_chrsplit = 0
Global Const $str_entiresplit = 1
Global Const $str_nocount = 2
Global Const $str_regexpmatch = 0
Global Const $str_regexparraymatch = 1
Global Const $str_regexparrayfullmatch = 2
Global Const $str_regexparrayglobalmatch = 3
Global Const $str_regexparrayglobalfullmatch = 4
Global Const $str_endisstart = 0
Global Const $str_endnotstart = 1
Global Const $sb_ansi = 1
Global Const $sb_utf16le = 2
Global Const $sb_utf16be = 3
Global Const $sb_utf8 = 4
Global Const $se_utf16 = 0
Global Const $se_ansi = 1
Global Const $se_utf8 = 2
Global Const $str_utf16 = 0
Global Const $str_ucs2 = 1
Func _hextostring($shex)
If NOT (StringLeft($shex, 2) == "0x") Then $shex = "0x" & $shex
Return BinaryToString($shex, $sb_utf8)
Func _stringbetween($sstring, $sstart, $send, $imode = $str_endisstart, $bcase = False)
$sstart = $sstart ? "\Q" & $sstart & "\E" : "\A"
If $imode <> $str_endnotstart Then $imode = $str_endisstart
If $imode = $str_endisstart Then
$send = $send ? "(?=\Q" & $send & "\E)" : "\z"
$send = $send ? "\Q" & $send & "\E" : "\z"
If $bcase = Default Then
$bcase = False
Local $areturn = StringRegExp($sstring, "(?s" & (NOT $bcase ? "i" : "") & ")" & $sstart & "(.*?)" & $send, $str_regexparrayglobalmatch)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $areturn
Func _stringexplode($sstring, $sdelimiter, $ilimit = 0)
If $ilimit = Default Then $ilimit = 0
If $ilimit > 0 Then
Local Const $null = Chr(0)
$sstring = StringReplace($sstring, $sdelimiter, $null, $ilimit)
$sdelimiter = $null
ElseIf $ilimit < 0 Then
Local $iindex = StringInStr($sstring, $sdelimiter, $str_nocasesensebasic, $ilimit)
If $iindex Then
$sstring = StringLeft($sstring, $iindex - 1)
Return StringSplit($sstring, $sdelimiter, BitOR($str_entiresplit, $str_nocount))
Func _stringinsert($sstring, $sinsertion, $iposition)
Local $ilength = StringLen($sstring)
$iposition = Int($iposition)
If $iposition < 0 Then $iposition = $ilength + $iposition
If $ilength < $iposition OR $iposition < 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sstring)
Return StringLeft($sstring, $iposition) & $sinsertion & StringRight($sstring, $ilength - $iposition)
Func _stringproper($sstring)
Local $bcapnext = True, $schr = "", $sreturn = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($sstring)
$schr = StringMid($sstring, $i, 1)
Case $bcapnext = True
If StringRegExp($schr, "[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿšœžŸ]") Then
$schr = StringUpper($schr)
$bcapnext = False
Case NOT StringRegExp($schr, "[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿšœžŸ]")
$bcapnext = True
Case Else
$schr = StringLower($schr)
$sreturn &= $schr
Return $sreturn
Func _stringrepeat($sstring, $irepeatcount)
$irepeatcount = Int($irepeatcount)
If $irepeatcount = 0 Then Return ""
If StringLen($sstring) < 1 OR $irepeatcount < 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
Local $sresult = ""
While $irepeatcount > 1
If BitAND($irepeatcount, 1) Then $sresult &= $sstring
$sstring &= $sstring
$irepeatcount = BitShift($irepeatcount, 1)
Return $sstring & $sresult
Func _stringtitlecase($sstring)
Local $bcapnext = True, $schr = "", $sreturn = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($sstring)
$schr = StringMid($sstring, $i, 1)
Case $bcapnext = True
If StringRegExp($schr, "[a-zA-Z\xC0-\xFF0-9]") Then
$schr = StringUpper($schr)
$bcapnext = False
Case NOT StringRegExp($schr, "[a-zA-Z\xC0-\xFF'0-9]")
$bcapnext = True
Case Else
$schr = StringLower($schr)
$sreturn &= $schr
Return $sreturn
Func _stringtohex($sstring)
Return Hex(StringToBinary($sstring, $sb_utf8))
#OnAutoItStartRegister "AREIHNVAPWN"
Func buildBitMapInfoHeader($flmojocqtz, $fljzkjrgzs, $flsgxlqjno) ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader
Local $struct[2]
$struct[0] = DllStructCreate('struct;uint bfSize;uint bfReserved;uint bfOffBits;uint biSize;int biWidth;int biHeight;ushort biPlanes;ushort biBitCount;uint biCompression;uint biSizeImage;int biXPelsPerMeter;int biYPelsPerMeter;uint biClrUsed;uint biClrImportant;endstruct;')
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'bfSize', (3 * $flmojocqtz + Mod($flmojocqtz, 4) * Abs($fljzkjrgzs)))
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'bfReserved', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'bfOffBits', 54)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biSize', 40)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biWidth', $flmojocqtz)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biHeight', $fljzkjrgzs)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biPlanes', 1)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biBitCount', 24)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biCompression', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biSizeImage', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biXPelsPerMeter', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biYPelsPerMeter', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biClrUsed', 0)
DllStructSetData($struct[0], 'biClrImportant', 0)
$struct[1] = DllStructCreate('struct;' & _stringrepeat('byte[' & DllStructGetData($struct[0], 'biWidth') * 3 & '];', DllStructGetData($struct[0], 'biHeight')) & 'endstruct')
Return $struct
Func CreateRandomLowercaseString($Min, $Max) ; Build a random lowercase string between [a-z] of a random size betwen arg1 and arg2
Local $StringResult = ''
For $flezmzowno = 0 To Random($Min, $Max, 1) ; from 0 to a random integer between arg1 and arg2
$StringResult &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1))
Return $StringResult
Func InstallBmpOrDll($flslbknofv) ; Installs sprite.bmp or qr_encoder.dll with a random filename into the script directory. Returns the name of the installed file
Local $randomAscii = CreateRandomLowercaseString(15, 20)
Switch $flslbknofv
Case 10 To 15
$randomAscii &= '.bmp'
FileInstall(".\sprite.bmp", @ScriptDir & '\' & $randomAscii)
Case 25 To 30
$randomAscii &= '.dll'
FileInstall(".\qr_encoder.dll", @ScriptDir & '\' & $randomAscii)
Return $randomAscii
Func GetComputerName() ; Returns the result of GetComputerNameA or -1 if error. Computer name is (essentially) [a-z0-9]{1,15}
Local $flfnvbvvfi = -1
Local $flfnvbvvfiraw = DllStructCreate('struct;dword;char[1024];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($flfnvbvvfiraw, 1, 1024)
Local $flmyeulrox = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'GetComputerNameA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flfnvbvvfiraw, 2), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flfnvbvvfiraw, 1))
If $flmyeulrox[0] <> 0 Then
; $flfnvbvvfi = BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($flfnvbvvfiraw, 2), 1, DllStructGetData($flfnvbvvfiraw, 1))
Return $flfnvbvvfi
GUICreate('CodeIt Plus!', 300, 375, -1, -1)
Func obfuscateComputerName(ByRef $ComputerName) ; Encodes the data in the struct passed in
Local $bmpFileName = InstallBmpOrDll(14)
Local $hBmpFile = OpenFileForRead($bmpFileName)
If $hBmpFile <> -1 Then
Local $fileSize = GetFileSize($hBmpFile)
If $fileSize <> -1 AND DllStructGetSize($ComputerName) < $fileSize - 54 Then
Local $byteArrayFileSizeStruct = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[' & $fileSize & '];endstruct')
Local $readResult = ReadAFile($hBmpFile, $byteArrayFileSizeStruct)
If $readResult <> -1 Then
Local $flxmdchrqd = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[54];byte[' & $fileSize - 54 & '];endstruct', DllStructGetPtr($byteArrayFileSizeStruct))
Local $index = 1
Local $obfuscated = ''
For $counter = 1 To DllStructGetSize($ComputerName)
Local $charCode = Number(DllStructGetData($ComputerName, 1, $counter))
For $subCounter = 6 To 0 Step -1
$charCode += BitShift(BitAND(Number(DllStructGetData($flxmdchrqd, 2, $index)), 1), -1 * $subCounter)
$index += 1
$obfuscated &= Chr(BitShift($charCode, 1) + BitShift(BitAND($charCode, 1), -7))
DllStructSetData($ComputerName, 1, $obfuscated)
Func decryptData(ByRef $flodiutpuy)
; Custom defined varaiables for readability
Local $PROV_RSA_AES = 24
Local $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = 4026531840
Local $CALG_SHA_256 = 32780 ; SHA256
Local $ComputerName = GetComputerName()
If $ComputerName <> -1 Then
$ComputerName = Binary(StringLower(BinaryToString($ComputerName)))
Local $ComputerNameraw = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[' & BinaryLen($ComputerName) & '];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($ComputerNameraw, 1, $ComputerName)
Local $flnttmjfea = DllStructCreate('struct;ptr;ptr;dword;byte[32];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($flnttmjfea, 3, 32)
Local $apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptAcquireContextA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 1), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'dword', $PROV_RSA_AES, 'dword', $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptCreateHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 1), 'dword', $CALG_SHA_256, 'dword', 0, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 2))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptHashData', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2), 'struct*', $ComputerNameraw, 'dword', DllStructGetSize($ComputerNameraw), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptGetHashParam', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2), 'dword', 2, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 4), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 3), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
; The encoded computer name is hashed with SHA256 and placed in DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 4) up above
Local $key = Binary('0x' & '08020' & '00010' & '66000' & '02000' & '0000') & DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 4)
Local $encryptedData = Binary('0x' & 'CD4B3' & '2C650' & 'CF21B' & 'DA184' & 'D8913' & 'E6F92' & '0A37A' & '4F396' & '3736C' & '042C4' & '59EA0' & '7B79E' & 'A443F' & 'FD189' & '8BAE4' & '9B115' & 'F6CB1' & 'E2A7C' & '1AB3C' & '4C256' & '12A51' & '9035F' & '18FB3' & 'B1752' & '8B3AE' & 'CAF3D' & '480E9' & '8BF8A' & '635DA' & 'F974E' & '00135' & '35D23' & '1E4B7' & '5B2C3' & '8B804' & 'C7AE4' & 'D266A' & '37B36' & 'F2C55' & '5BF3A' & '9EA6A' & '58BC8' & 'F906C' & 'C665E' & 'AE2CE' & '60F2C' & 'DE38F' & 'D3026' & '9CC4C' & 'E5BB0' & '90472' & 'FF9BD' & '26F91' & '19B8C' & '484FE' & '69EB9' & '34F43' & 'FEEDE' & 'DCEBA' & '79146' & '0819F' & 'B21F1' & '0F832' & 'B2A5D' & '4D772' & 'DB12C' & '3BED9' & '47F6F' & '706AE' & '4411A' & '52')
Local $newCryptStructHolder = DllStructCreate('struct;ptr;ptr;dword;byte[8192];byte[' & BinaryLen($key) & '];dword;endstruct')
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3, BinaryLen($encryptedData))
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4, $encryptedData)
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 5, $key)
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 6, BinaryLen($key))
Local $apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptAcquireContextA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'dword', $PROV_RSA_AES, 'dword', $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptImportKey', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 5), 'dword', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 6), 'dword', 0, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 2))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDecrypt', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 2), 'dword', 0, 'dword', 1, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 4), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 3))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
; DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4) contains the decrypted data
; DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3) contains the size of the decrypted data
Local $decryptedData = BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4), 1, DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3))
$flare = Binary('FLARE')
$flareButBackwards = Binary('ERALF')
$flareFromDecryption = BinaryMid($decryptedData, 1, BinaryLen($flare))
$BackwardsFlareFromDecryption = BinaryMid($decryptedData, BinaryLen($decryptedData) - BinaryLen($flareButBackwards) + 1, BinaryLen($flareButBackwards))
If $flare = $flareFromDecryption AND $flareButBackwards = $BackwardsFlareFromDecryption Then
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 1, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 6, 4))
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 2, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 10, 4))
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 3, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 14, BinaryLen($decryptedData) - 18))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDestroyKey', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 2))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptReleaseContext', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'dword', 0)
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDestroyHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptReleaseContext', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 1), 'dword', 0)
Func areaqwbmtiz(ByRef $flkhfbuyon)
; Local variables created for readability
Local $CALG_MD5 = 32771
Local $PROV_RSA_AES = 24
Local $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = 4026531840
Local $Result = -1
Local $cryptStruct = DllStructCreate('struct;ptr;ptr;dword;byte[16];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($cryptStruct, 3, 16)
Local $apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptAcquireContextA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($cryptStruct, 1), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'dword', $PROV_RSA_AES, 'dword', $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptCreateHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 1), 'dword', $CALG_MD5, 'dword', 0, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($cryptStruct, 2))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptHashData', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 2), 'struct*', $flkhfbuyon, 'dword', DllStructGetSize($flkhfbuyon), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptGetHashParam', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 2), 'dword', 2, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($cryptStruct, 4), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($cryptStruct, 3), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$Result = DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 4)
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDestroyHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 2))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptReleaseContext', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($cryptStruct, 1), 'dword', 0)
Return $Result
Func CheckOsVersion() ; Returns 0 if the OS is Windows 7, -1 otherwise
Local $Result = -1
; Create the OSVERSIONINFOA structure https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-osversioninfoa
Local $osVersionInfoA = DllStructCreate('struct;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;byte[128];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($osVersionInfoA, 1, DllStructGetSize($osVersionInfoA))
Local $flaghdvgyv = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'GetVersionExA', 'struct*', $osVersionInfoA)
If $flaghdvgyv[0] <> 0 Then
If DllStructGetData($osVersionInfoA, 2) = 6 Then
If DllStructGetData($osVersionInfoA, 3) = 1 Then
$Result = 0
Return $Result
Func main()
Local $textToEncodeInputBox = GUICtrlCreateInput('Enter text to encode', -1, 5, 300)
Local $canHazCodeBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton('Can haz code?', -1, 30, 300)
Local $guiPicture = GUICtrlCreatePic('', -1, 55, 300, 300)
Local $helpMenuButton = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Help')
Local $helpMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('About CodeIt Plus!', $helpMenuButton)
Local $BmpFileName = InstallBmpOrDll(13) ; Installs the bitmap
GUICtrlSetImage($guiPicture, $BmpFileName)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Reveals the GUI. Tada
While 1
Switch GUIGetMsg()
Case $canHazCodeBtn
Local $textToEncode = GUICtrlRead($textToEncodeInputBox) ; Read the data in the $textToEncodeInputBox field
If $textToEncode Then
Local $dllFileName = InstallBmpOrDll(26) ; Installs the DLL
Local $qrCode = DllStructCreate('struct;dword;dword;byte[3918];endstruct')
Local $apitCallResult = DllCall($dllFileName, 'int:cdecl', 'justGenerateQRSymbol', 'struct*', $qrCode, 'str', $textToEncode)
If $apitCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
decryptData($qrCode) ; contains the decytped data
Local $BitmapInfoHeader = buildBitMapInfoHeader((DllStructGetData($qrCode, 1) * DllStructGetData($qrCode, 2)), (DllStructGetData($qrCode, 1) * DllStructGetData($qrCode, 2)), 1024)
$apitCallResult = DllCall($dllFileName, 'int:cdecl', 'justConvertQRSymbolToBitmapPixels', 'struct*', $qrCode, 'struct*', $BitmapInfoHeader[1])
If $apitCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$BmpFileName = CreateRandomLowercaseString(25, 30) & '.bmp'
arelassehha($BitmapInfoHeader, $BmpFileName)
$BmpFileName = InstallBmpOrDll(11)
GUICtrlSetImage($guiPicture, $BmpFileName)
Case $helpMenuItem
Local $helpMessage = 'This program generates QR codes using QR Code Generator (https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library) developed by Nayuki. '
$helpMessage &= 'QR Code Generator is available on GitHub (https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator) and open-sourced under the following permissive MIT License (https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator#license):'
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= 'Copyright © 2020 Project Nayuki. (MIT License)'
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= 'https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library'
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= 'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:'
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= '1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.'
$helpMessage &= @CRLF
$helpMessage &= '2. The Software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the Software.'
MsgBox(4096, 'About CodeIt Plus!', $helpMessage)
Case -3
Func WriteBmpFileHeader($BitmapInfoHeader, $BmpFilename)
Local $functionSuccessful = -1
Local $BitmapInfoHeaderheadermagic = DllStructCreate('struct;ushort;endstruct')
DllStructSetData($BitmapInfoHeaderheadermagic, 1, 19778)
Local $hBmpFile = OpenFileForWrite($BmpFilename, False)
If $hBmpFile <> -1 Then
Local $ApiCallResult = WriteToFile($hBmpFile, DllStructGetPtr($BitmapInfoHeaderheadermagic), DllStructGetSize($BitmapInfoHeaderheadermagic))
If $ApiCallResult <> -1 Then
$ApiCallResult = WriteToFile($hBmpFile, DllStructGetPtr($BitmapInfoHeader[0]), DllStructGetSize($BitmapInfoHeader[0]))
If $ApiCallResult <> -1 Then
$functionSuccessful = 0
Return $functionSuccessful
Func arelassehha($BitmapInfoHeader, $BmpFilename)
Local $functionSuccessful = -1
Local $apiCallResult = WriteBmpFileHeader($BitmapInfoHeader, $BmpFilename)
If $apiCallResult <> -1 Then
Local $hBmpFile = OpenFileForWrite($BmpFilename, True)
If $hBmpFile <> -1 Then
Local $flwldjlwrq = Abs(DllStructGetData($BitmapInfoHeader[0], 'biHeight'))
Local $flumnoetuu = DllStructGetData($BitmapInfoHeader[0], 'biHeight') > 0 ? $flwldjlwrq - 1 : 0
Local $flqphcjgtp = DllStructCreate('struct;byte;byte;byte;endstruct')
For $fllrcvawmx = 0 To $flwldjlwrq - 1
$apiCallResult = WriteToFile($hBmpFile, DllStructGetPtr($BitmapInfoHeader[1], Abs($flumnoetuu - $fllrcvawmx) + 1), DllStructGetData($BitmapInfoHeader[0], 'biWidth') * 3)
If $apiCallResult = -1 Then ExitLoop
$apiCallResult = WriteToFile($hBmpFile, DllStructGetPtr($flqphcjgtp), Mod(DllStructGetData($BitmapInfoHeader[0], 'biWidth'), 4))
If $apiCallResult = -1 Then ExitLoop
If $apiCallResult <> -1 Then
$functionSuccessful = 0
Return $functionSuccessful
Func OpenFileForRead($Filename) ; Opens the given file for reading. Returns a handle to the file
Local $flrichemye = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CreateFile', 'str', @ScriptDir & '\' & $Filename, 'uint', 2147483648, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'uint', 3, 'uint', 128, 'ptr', 0)
Return $flrichemye[0]
Func OpenFileForWrite($Filename, $OpenExisting = True) ; Opens the given file for writing. Second arg tells whether to open an existing file (true) or a new file (false)
Local $flogmfcakq = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CreateFile', 'str', @ScriptDir & '\' & $Filename, 'uint', 1073741824, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'uint', $OpenExisting ? 3 : 2, 'uint', 128, 'ptr', 0)
Return $flogmfcakq[0]
Func WriteToFile($fileHandle, $dataToWrite, $numberOfBytesToWrite)
If $fileHandle <> -1 Then
; Set the file pointer to the end of the file
Local $ApiCallResult = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'uint', 'SetFilePointer', 'ptr', $fileHandle, 'long', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'uint', 2)
If $ApiCallResult[0] <> -1 Then ; If the call succeeded
Local $numberOfBytesToWritten = DllStructCreate('uint')
$ApiCallResult = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'WriteFile', 'ptr', $fileHandle, 'ptr', $dataToWrite, 'uint', $numberOfBytesToWrite, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($numberOfBytesToWritten), 'ptr', 0)
If $ApiCallResult[0] <> 0 AND DllStructGetData($numberOfBytesToWritten, 1) = $numberOfBytesToWrite Then
Return 0
Return -1
Func ReadAFile($hFile, ByRef $buff)
Local $bytesRead = DllStructCreate('struct;dword;endstruct')
Local $resultOfRead = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'ReadFile', 'ptr', $hFile, 'struct*', $buff, 'dword', DllStructGetSize($buff), 'struct*', $bytesRead, 'ptr', 0)
Return $resultOfRead[0]
Func CloseAHandle($hFile)
Local $returnValue = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'ptr', $hFile)
Return $returnValue[0]
Func DeleteAFile($FileName)
Local $returnValue = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'DeleteFileA', 'str', $FileName)
Return $returnValue[0]
Func GetFileSize($hFile)
Local $TotalFileSize = -1
Local $lpFileSizeHigh = DllStructCreate('struct;dword;endstruct')
Local $fileSize = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'dword', 'GetFileSize', 'ptr', $hFile, 'struct*', $lpFileSizeHigh)
If $fileSize <> -1 Then
$TotalFileSize = $fileSize[0] + Number(DllStructGetData($lpFileSizeHigh, 1))
Return $TotalFileSize
Func areihnvapwn()
Local $dlit = "7374727563743b75696e7420626653697a653b75696e7420626652657365727665643b75696e742062664f6666426974733b"
$dlit &= "75696e7420626953697a653b696e7420626957696474683b696e742062694865696768743b7573686f7274206269506c616e"
$dlit &= "65733b7573686f7274206269426974436f756e743b75696e74206269436f6d7072657373696f6e3b75696e7420626953697a"
$dlit &= "65496d6167653b696e742062695850656c735065724d657465723b696e742062695950656c735065724d657465723b75696e"
$dlit &= "74206269436c72557365643b75696e74206269436c72496d706f7274616e743b656e647374727563743b4FD5$626653697a6"
$dlit &= "54FD5$626652657365727665644FD5$62664f6666426974734FD5$626953697a654FD5$626957696474684FD5$6269486569"
$dlit &= "6768744FD5$6269506c616e65734FD5$6269426974436f756e744FD5$6269436f6d7072657373696f6e4FD5$626953697a65"
$dlit &= "496d6167654FD5$62695850656c735065724d657465724FD5$62695950656c735065724d657465724FD5$6269436c7255736"
$dlit &= "5644FD5$6269436c72496d706f7274616e744FD5$7374727563743b4FD5$627974655b4FD5$5d3b4FD5$656e647374727563"
$dlit &= "744FD5$4FD5$2e626d704FD5$5c4FD5$2e646c6c4FD5$7374727563743b64776f72643b636861725b313032345d3b656e647"
$dlit &= "374727563744FD5$6b65726e656c33322e646c6c4FD5$696e744FD5$476574436f6d70757465724e616d65414FD5$7074724"
$dlit &= "FD5$436f6465497420506c7573214FD5$7374727563743b627974655b4FD5$5d3b656e647374727563744FD5$73747275637"
$dlit &= "43b627974655b35345d3b627974655b4FD5$7374727563743b7074723b7074723b64776f72643b627974655b33325d3b656e"
$dlit &= "647374727563744FD5$61647661706933322e646c6c4FD5$437279707441637175697265436f6e74657874414FD5$64776f7"
$dlit &= "2644FD5$4372797074437265617465486173684FD5$437279707448617368446174614FD5$7374727563742a4FD5$4372797"
$dlit &= "07447657448617368506172616d4FD5$30784FD5$30383032304FD5$30303031304FD5$36363030304FD5$30323030304FD5"
$dlit &= "$303030304FD5$43443442334FD5$32433635304FD5$43463231424FD5$44413138344FD5$44383931334FD5$45364639324"
$dlit &= "FD5$30413337414FD5$34463339364FD5$33373336434FD5$30343243344FD5$35394541304FD5$37423739454FD5$413434"
$dlit &= "33464FD5$46443138394FD5$38424145344FD5$39423131354FD5$46364342314FD5$45324137434FD5$31414233434FD5$3"
$dlit &= "4433235364FD5$31324135314FD5$39303335464FD5$31384642334FD5$42313735324FD5$38423341454FD5$43414633444"
$dlit &= "FD5$34383045394FD5$38424638414FD5$36333544414FD5$46393734454FD5$30303133354FD5$33354432334FD5$314534"
$dlit &= "42374FD5$35423243334FD5$38423830344FD5$43374145344FD5$44323636414FD5$33374233364FD5$46324335354FD5$3"
$dlit &= "5424633414FD5$39454136414FD5$35384243384FD5$46393036434FD5$43363635454FD5$41453243454FD5$36304632434"
$dlit &= "FD5$44453338464FD5$44333032364FD5$39434334434FD5$45354242304FD5$39303437324FD5$46463942444FD5$323646"
$dlit &= "39314FD5$31394238434FD5$34383446454FD5$36394542394FD5$33344634334FD5$46454544454FD5$44434542414FD5$3"
$dlit &= "7393134364FD5$30383139464FD5$42323146314FD5$30463833324FD5$42324135444FD5$34443737324FD5$44423132434"
$dlit &= "FD5$33424544394FD5$34374636464FD5$37303641454FD5$34343131414FD5$35324FD5$7374727563743b7074723b70747"
$dlit &= "23b64776f72643b627974655b383139325d3b627974655b4FD5$5d3b64776f72643b656e647374727563744FD5$437279707"
$dlit &= "4496d706f72744b65794FD5$4372797074446563727970744FD5$464c4152454FD5$4552414c464FD5$43727970744465737"
$dlit &= "4726f794b65794FD5$437279707452656c65617365436f6e746578744FD5$437279707444657374726f79486173684FD5$73"
$dlit &= "74727563743b7074723b7074723b64776f72643b627974655b31365d3b656e647374727563744FD5$7374727563743b64776"
$dlit &= "f72643b64776f72643b64776f72643b64776f72643b64776f72643b627974655b3132385d3b656e647374727563744FD5$47"
$dlit &= "657456657273696f6e4578414FD5$456e746572207465787420746f20656e636f64654FD5$43616e2068617a20636f64653f"
$dlit &= "4FD5$4FD5$48656c704FD5$41626f757420436f6465497420506c7573214FD5$7374727563743b64776f72643b64776f7264"
$dlit &= "3b627974655b333931385d3b656e647374727563744FD5$696e743a636465636c4FD5$6a75737447656e6572617465515253"
$dlit &= "796d626f6c4FD5$7374724FD5$6a757374436f6e76657274515253796d626f6c546f4269746d6170506978656c734FD5$546"
$dlit &= "869732070726f6772616d2067656e65726174657320515220636f646573207573696e6720515220436f64652047656e65726"
$dlit &= "1746f72202868747470733a2f2f7777772e6e6179756b692e696f2f706167652f71722d636f64652d67656e657261746f722"
$dlit &= "d6c6962726172792920646576656c6f706564206279204e6179756b692e204FD5$515220436f64652047656e657261746f72"
$dlit &= "20697320617661696c61626c65206f6e20476974487562202868747470733a2f2f6769746875622e636f6d2f6e6179756b69"
$dlit &= "2f51522d436f64652d67656e657261746f722920616e64206f70656e2d736f757263656420756e6465722074686520666f6c"
$dlit &= "6c6f77696e67207065726d697373697665204d4954204c6963656e7365202868747470733a2f2f6769746875622e636f6d2f"
$dlit &= "6e6179756b692f51522d436f64652d67656e657261746f72236c6963656e7365293a4FD5$436f7079726967687420c2a9203"
$dlit &= "23032302050726f6a656374204e6179756b692e20284d4954204c6963656e7365294FD5$68747470733a2f2f7777772e6e61"
$dlit &= "79756b692e696f2f706167652f71722d636f64652d67656e657261746f722d6c6962726172794FD5$5065726d697373696f6"
$dlit &= "e20697320686572656279206772616e7465642c2066726565206f66206368617267652c20746f20616e7920706572736f6e2"
$dlit &= "06f627461696e696e67206120636f7079206f66207468697320736f66747761726520616e64206173736f636961746564206"
$dlit &= "46f63756d656e746174696f6e2066696c6573202874686520536f667477617265292c20746f206465616c20696e207468652"
$dlit &= "0536f66747761726520776974686f7574207265737472696374696f6e2c20696e636c7564696e6720776974686f7574206c6"
$dlit &= "96d69746174696f6e207468652072696768747320746f207573652c20636f70792c206d6f646966792c206d657267652c207"
$dlit &= "075626c6973682c20646973747269627574652c207375626c6963656e73652c20616e642f6f722073656c6c20636f7069657"
$dlit &= "3206f662074686520536f6674776172652c20616e6420746f207065726d697420706572736f6e7320746f2077686f6d20746"
$dlit &= "86520536f667477617265206973206675726e697368656420746f20646f20736f2c207375626a65637420746f20746865206"
$dlit &= "66f6c6c6f77696e6720636f6e646974696f6e733a4FD5$312e205468652061626f766520636f70797269676874206e6f7469"
$dlit &= "636520616e642074686973207065726d697373696f6e206e6f74696365207368616c6c20626520696e636c7564656420696e"
$dlit &= "20616c6c20636f70696573206f72207375627374616e7469616c20706f7274696f6e73206f662074686520536f6674776172"
$dlit &= "652e4FD5$322e2054686520536f6674776172652069732070726f76696465642061732069732c20776974686f75742077617"
$dlit &= "272616e7479206f6620616e79206b696e642c2065787072657373206f7220696d706c6965642c20696e636c7564696e67206"
$dlit &= "27574206e6f74206c696d6974656420746f207468652077617272616e74696573206f66206d65726368616e746162696c697"
$dlit &= "4792c206669746e65737320666f72206120706172746963756c617220707572706f736520616e64206e6f6e696e6672696e6"
$dlit &= "7656d656e742e20496e206e6f206576656e74207368616c6c2074686520617574686f7273206f7220636f707972696768742"
$dlit &= "0686f6c64657273206265206c6961626c6520666f7220616e7920636c61696d2c2064616d61676573206f72206f746865722"
$dlit &= "06c696162696c6974792c207768657468657220696e20616e20616374696f6e206f6620636f6e74726163742c20746f72742"
$dlit &= "06f72206f74686572776973652c2061726973696e672066726f6d2c206f7574206f66206f7220696e20636f6e6e656374696"
$dlit &= "f6e20776974682074686520536f667477617265206f722074686520757365206f72206f74686572206465616c696e6773206"
$dlit &= "96e2074686520536f6674776172652e4FD5$7374727563743b7573686f72743b656e647374727563744FD5$7374727563743"
$dlit &= "b627974653b627974653b627974653b656e647374727563744FD5$43726561746546696c654FD5$75696e744FD5$53657446"
$dlit &= "696c65506f696e7465724FD5$6c6f6e674FD5$577269746546696c654FD5$7374727563743b64776f72643b656e647374727"
$dlit &= "563744FD5$5265616446696c654FD5$436c6f736548616e646c654FD5$44656c65746546696c65414FD5$47657446696c655"
$dlit &= "3697a65"
Global $os = StringSplit($dlit, "4FD5$", 1)
Func arehdidxrgk($flqlnxgxbp)
Local $flqlnxgxbp_
For $flrctqryub = 1 To StringLen($flqlnxgxbp) Step 2
$flqlnxgxbp_ &= Chr(Dec(StringMid($flqlnxgxbp, $flrctqryub, 2)))
Return $flqlnxgxbp_
At a very high level, the script is taking the input provided to it and generating a QR code for that input. After a while of banging my head against the desk, I found the catch - it provides a QR code of the output unless some condition (unknown at this point) is met. Whatever this condition is takes place in the function I named DecryptData()
Func decryptData(ByRef $flodiutpuy)
; Custom defined varaiables for readability
Local $PROV_RSA_AES = 24
Local $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = 4026531840
Local $CALG_SHA_256 = 32780 ; SHA256
Local $ComputerName = GetComputerName()
If $ComputerName <> -1 Then
$ComputerName = Binary(StringLower(BinaryToString($ComputerName)))
Local $ComputerNameraw = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[' & BinaryLen($ComputerName) & '];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($ComputerNameraw, 1, $ComputerName)
Local $flnttmjfea = DllStructCreate('struct;ptr;ptr;dword;byte[32];endstruct')
DllStructSetData($flnttmjfea, 3, 32)
Local $apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptAcquireContextA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 1), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'dword', $PROV_RSA_AES, 'dword', $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptCreateHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 1), 'dword', $CALG_SHA_256, 'dword', 0, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 2))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptHashData', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2), 'struct*', $ComputerNameraw, 'dword', DllStructGetSize($ComputerNameraw), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptGetHashParam', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2), 'dword', 2, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 4), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($flnttmjfea, 3), 'dword', 0)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
; The encoded computer name is hashed with SHA256 and placed in DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 4) up above
Local $key = Binary('0x' & '08020' & '00010' & '66000' & '02000' & '0000') & DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 4)
Local $encryptedData = Binary('0x' & 'CD4B3' & '2C650' & 'CF21B' & 'DA184' & 'D8913' & 'E6F92' & '0A37A' & '4F396' & '3736C' & '042C4' & '59EA0' & '7B79E' & 'A443F' & 'FD189' & '8BAE4' & '9B115' & 'F6CB1' & 'E2A7C' & '1AB3C' & '4C256' & '12A51' & '9035F' & '18FB3' & 'B1752' & '8B3AE' & 'CAF3D' & '480E9' & '8BF8A' & '635DA' & 'F974E' & '00135' & '35D23' & '1E4B7' & '5B2C3' & '8B804' & 'C7AE4' & 'D266A' & '37B36' & 'F2C55' & '5BF3A' & '9EA6A' & '58BC8' & 'F906C' & 'C665E' & 'AE2CE' & '60F2C' & 'DE38F' & 'D3026' & '9CC4C' & 'E5BB0' & '90472' & 'FF9BD' & '26F91' & '19B8C' & '484FE' & '69EB9' & '34F43' & 'FEEDE' & 'DCEBA' & '79146' & '0819F' & 'B21F1' & '0F832' & 'B2A5D' & '4D772' & 'DB12C' & '3BED9' & '47F6F' & '706AE' & '4411A' & '52')
Local $newCryptStructHolder = DllStructCreate('struct;ptr;ptr;dword;byte[8192];byte[' & BinaryLen($key) & '];dword;endstruct')
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3, BinaryLen($encryptedData))
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4, $encryptedData)
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 5, $key)
DllStructSetData($newCryptStructHolder, 6, BinaryLen($key))
Local $apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptAcquireContextA', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'dword', $PROV_RSA_AES, 'dword', $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptImportKey', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 5), 'dword', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 6), 'dword', 0, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 2))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
$apiCallResult = DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDecrypt', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 2), 'dword', 0, 'dword', 1, 'dword', 0, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 4), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($newCryptStructHolder, 3))
If $apiCallResult[0] <> 0 Then
; DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4) contains the decrypted data
; DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3) contains the size of the decrypted data
Local $decryptedData = BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 4), 1, DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 3))
$flare = Binary('FLARE')
$flareButBackwards = Binary('ERALF')
$flareFromDecryption = BinaryMid($decryptedData, 1, BinaryLen($flare))
$BackwardsFlareFromDecryption = BinaryMid($decryptedData, BinaryLen($decryptedData) - BinaryLen($flareButBackwards) + 1, BinaryLen($flareButBackwards))
If $flare = $flareFromDecryption AND $flareButBackwards = $BackwardsFlareFromDecryption Then
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 1, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 6, 4))
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 2, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 10, 4))
DllStructSetData($flodiutpuy, 3, BinaryMid($decryptedData, 14, BinaryLen($decryptedData) - 18))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDestroyKey', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 2))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptReleaseContext', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($newCryptStructHolder, 1), 'dword', 0)
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptDestroyHash', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 2))
DllCall('advapi32.dll', 'int', 'CryptReleaseContext', 'ptr', DllStructGetData($flnttmjfea, 1), 'dword', 0)
Specifically, the sole parameter to this function is passed in by reference and isn’t altered unless we’re able to successfully create the decryption parameters by providing the correct response from the WinAPI function GetComputerNameA()
. Maybe the criteria for setting the computer name is strict enough that we can brute force the correct computer name? Wikipedia has some good info on the (NetBIOS naming standards)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBIOS#NetBIOS_name]. In short, they are 15 alphanumeric characters. There are a couple other constraints but this alone tells us it’s feasibly uncrackable unless we’re able to outlive the collapse of the universe. Let’s look for another way to solve this.
After circling back to the “banging my head on the desk” portion of this challenge (which worked out well for me last time), I figured the answer to this challenge must be in the function I named ObfuscateComputerName()
. The input to decryptData()
(which is the user input to generate the QR code) is passed by reference and isn’t changed unless the decryption routine is a success. The only way the decryption routine is a success is if we have the correct computer name. Because the answer to this challenge likely isn’t brute forcing the computer name, obfuscateComputerName()
(which I later learned is a terrible name for the function) should give us the flag.
Func obfuscateComputerName(ByRef $ComputerName) ; Encodes the data in the struct passed in
Local $bmpFileName = InstallBmpOrDll(14)
Local $hBmpFile = OpenFileForRead($bmpFileName)
If $hBmpFile <> -1 Then
Local $fileSize = GetFileSize($hBmpFile)
If $fileSize <> -1 AND DllStructGetSize($ComputerName) < $fileSize - 54 Then
Local $byteArrayFileSizeStruct = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[' & $fileSize & '];endstruct')
Local $readResult = ReadAFile($hBmpFile, $byteArrayFileSizeStruct)
If $readResult <> -1 Then
Local $flxmdchrqd = DllStructCreate('struct;byte[54];byte[' & $fileSize - 54 & '];endstruct', DllStructGetPtr($byteArrayFileSizeStruct))
Local $index = 1
Local $obfuscated = ''
For $counter = 1 To DllStructGetSize($ComputerName)
Local $charCode = Number(DllStructGetData($ComputerName, 1, $counter))
For $subCounter = 6 To 0 Step -1
$charCode += BitShift(BitAND(Number(DllStructGetData($flxmdchrqd, 2, $index)), 1), -1 * $subCounter)
$index += 1
$obfuscated &= Chr(BitShift($charCode, 1) + BitShift(BitAND($charCode, 1), -7))
DllStructSetData($ComputerName, 1, $obfuscated)
Taken straight from my inline notes, InstallBmpOrDll()
installs sprite.bmp or qr_encoder.dll (using the AutoIt function FileInstall()
) with a random filename into the script directory and returns the name of the installed file. The determining factor for whether it will install the bmp or the dll is the parameter passed in. The TLDR on FileInstall()
from the docs is that it’s essentially a way to include a file in the compiled version of your autoit binary. When the autoit script is compiled with a FileInstall()
function call, it saves the file in the compiled binary. Then, during execution of the binary, it will extract the file from the binary for use. So the first part of this script extracts and reads the bmp file. Let’s see what the file contains - our handy exe2Aut.exe tool already extracted the bmp file for us.
The bmp file was our happy little Flare-on character! Back to obfuscateComputerName()
, we can see the file is read, stored in a struct called $byteArrayFileSizeStruct, then a new struct is created called $flxmdchrqd
that contains the data from the file in two seperate byte array pointers. The first pointer contains the first 54 bytes of the file and the second pointer contains the rest of the data. The loop right below this only references the second pointer so we’re only dealing with the 54th byte of data onward. Digging a bit into the loop, the subloop there sets some sort of char code based on the following formula:
char_code += (bmp_file_data_starting_at_the_54th_byte[index] BinaryAND 1) BitShift left (-1 * SubCounter)
In English, if the byte read from the file is odd, a one will be shifted X positions to the left and added to char code, where X is the value of SubCounter
. If the byte read from the file is event, a zero will be shifted X positions to the left and added to char code, where X is the value of SubCounter
. The SubCounter loop goes from 6 to 0 for a total of 7 iterations, then repeats until we’ve reached the length of the computer name. Let’s simulate the first iteration of this subloop using the inputs from the .bmp file with some pseudocode:
char_code = 0
char_code += (0x255 AND 1) << 6 // 64
char_code += (0x255 AND 1) << 5 // 32
char_code += (0x254 AND 1) << 4 // 0
char_code += (0x254 AND 1) << 3 // 0
char_code += (0x254 AND 1) << 2 // 0
char_code += (0x254 AND 1) << 1 // 0
char_code += (0x255 AND 1) << 0 // 1
Our char code is 97 or ‘a’. If we continue this process until we reach the big block of 0xFF
s, we get the following:
FF FF FE FE FE FE FF = 1100001 = a
FF FF FF FE FF FE FF = 1110101 = u
FF FF FF FE FF FE FE = 1110100 = t
FE FF FF FE FE FE FE = 0110000 = 0
FE FF FF FE FE FE FF = 0110001 = 1
FF FF FF FE FF FE FE = 1110100 = t
FF FF FE FE FF FF FE = 1100110 = f
FF FF FE FE FE FE FF = 1100001 = a
FF FF FE FF FF FF FE = 1101110 = n
FE FF FF FE FE FE FF = 0110001 = 1
FE FF FF FF FE FE FF = 0111001 = 9
FE FF FF FF FE FE FF = 0111001 = 9
FE FF FF FF FE FE FF = 0111001 = 9
If we replace the call to GetComputerName()
Func GetComputerName()
Return BinaryMid('aut01tfan1999', 1, StringLen('aut01tfan1999'))
Then, we can re-run the script (note that this newly saved script needs to have the extract qr_encoder.dll and sprite.bmp files in the same directory), enter arbitrary input (because the output is alerted if the computer name is correct), and we get the following QR code:
This is our flag!! Simply find a QR code reader (I learned that the Pixel has one built into the camera app. Neat.) to reveal the flag.
Flag: L00ks_L1k3_Y0u_D1dnt_Run_Aut0_Tim3_0n_Th1s_0ne!@flare-on.com
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