A collection of CTF writeups, deep dives into how some programs work, pondering, musings, and other projects. Read up about me, see what I write about, search the blog, or see below for the latest posts.

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Windows Access Tokens

11 minute read

As I was reading about an IcedID campaign, I came across a privilege escalation technique I was unfamiliar with: access tokens. This post is my research into...

Thinking With Portals

7 minute read

Introduction This past month, I had an international flight that left out of the JFK Airport in New York City. After arriving at the airport and standing in ...

How “Remember Me” Works In Game Clients

25 minute read

Introduction I recently need to re-authenticate to Blizzard’s Battle.net client and it got me wondering how game clients remember passwords for users. I alre...

Flare-On 2020: 01 - Fidler

1 minute read

Challenge 1 - Fidler Welcome to the Seventh Flare-On Challenge! This is a simple game. Win it by any means necessary and the victory screen will reveal...